documented with wasabi
logos.svg # big ol' svg file. source for logos and icons
wasabi_icon.svg # the plate and dollop
wasabi_logo.svg # the plate and dollop with "wasabi.js" after
plugins/ # the default interface quarantined for easy separation
wasabi.basic.css # styles for the basic/default wasabi interface
# search-box, file-comment headers
wasabi.basic.js # functionality for the basic/default wasabi interface
# search, auto-header-insertion
src/ # core stuff
get-wasabi.js # auto includes wasabi.js wasabi.css
# and pulls in a remote wasabi file like
# this one
Wasabi.js # global object and version
core/ # stuff that gets reused or doesn't fit in
# with "projects" or "entries"
entrify.js # takes a wasabi file, and turns it into a list
# of entries
pluginable.js # returns an object that can be used to register
# plugins. Used by Wasabi.Entry and Wasabi.Project
Utils.js # mostly dom stuff: class states, element creation
entry/ # the entries themselves
add-child.js # let's a directory take children of its own
# introduces the close method on the api
# introduces the disable method on the api
# and updates aria-diabled accordingly
dom-basics.js # introduces the dom object
Entry.js # entry's constructor: identifies the source
# an makes it "pluginable"
initialize.js # the first plugin
interface.js # basic interaction
types.js # identifies the entry's extensions and type:
# directory, file, executable, or symlink
dom.js # introduce the basic dom object for a project
each-entry.js # provides the function to iterate over all of the
# project's entries (a tree) as if it was a flat array
insert.js # inserting the project into the dom
# for adding entries to the project
Project.js # Project's constructor: identifies the source
# an makes it "pluginable"
_entry.scss # styling for .wasabi-entry, its children, and
# .wasabi-entry-comment
main.scss # some globals and defaults
_project.scss # project layout